4 research outputs found

    Virtual monitors vs. physical monitors: an empirical comparison for productivity work

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    Virtual monitors can display information through a head-worn display when a physical monitor is unavailable or provides insufficient space. Low resolution and restricted field of view are common issues of these displays. Such issues reduce readability and peripheral vision, leading to increased head movement when we increase the display size. This work evaluates the performance and user experience of a virtual monitor setup that combines software designed to minimize graphical transformations and a high-resolution virtual reality head-worn display. Participants performed productivity work across three approaches: Workstation, which is often used at office locations and consists of three side-by-side physical monitors; Laptop, which is often used in mobile locations and consists of a single physical monitor expanded with multiple desktops; and Virtual, our prototype with three side-by-side virtual monitors. Results show that participants deemed Virtual faster, easier to use, and more intuitive than Laptop, evidencing the advantages of head and eye glances over full content switches. They also confirm the existence of a gap between Workstation and Virtual, as Workstation achieved the highest user experience. We conclude with design guidelines obtained from the lessons learned in this study

    3D modeling of large structures in augmented reality

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    Submitted by PPG Ci?ncia da Computa??o ([email protected]) on 2019-06-03T14:53:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LEONARDO PAVANATTO SOARES_DIS.pdf: 11052966 bytes, checksum: 9e90e7670224c989dcae5f8ba35d4d61 (MD5)Approved for entry into archive by Caroline Xavier ([email protected]) on 2019-06-14T18:24:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 LEONARDO PAVANATTO SOARES_DIS.pdf: 11052966 bytes, checksum: 9e90e7670224c989dcae5f8ba35d4d61 (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2019-06-14T18:28:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LEONARDO PAVANATTO SOARES_DIS.pdf: 11052966 bytes, checksum: 9e90e7670224c989dcae5f8ba35d4d61 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2019-03-11Modelagem tridimensional em realidade aumentada permite ao usu?rio criar ou modificar a geometria de conte?do virtual enquanto registrado no mundo real, possibilitando a verifica??o da correspond?ncia entre ambos on-the-fly. N?s propomos uma nova abordagem para a modelagem em realidade aumentada em ambientes onde a geometria ? desconhecida que utiliza uma t?cnica de marca??o de pontos para definir a posi??o de caracter?sticas presentes no mundo real, como edifica??es e caminhos pr?ximos. Algumas ferramentas foram desenvolvidas para amplificar a utilidade dessas caracter?sticas e permitir o ato de modelagem, que geralmente ocorre sobre terrenos vazios mas deve considerar estruturas pr?ximas. N?s desenvolvemos uma aplica??o no dom?nio da arquitetura, direcionada a permitir o projeto de modelos volum?tricos in-situ. Um modelo volum?trico ? uma representa??o simplificada da ideia do arquiteto para a constru??o, definindo o tamanho geral e localiza??o no terreno, enquanto in-situ diz respeito a estar no local onde a edifica??o ser? feita. Eles t?m como objetivo entender a edifica??o, as caracter?sticas do ambiente, e como elas se relacionam. Nossa aplica??o permite ao arquiteto criar o seu modelo enquanto ele pode visualizar o mundo real e fazer modifica??es adequadas. N?s analisamos os problemas relacionados a essa abordagem e suas solu??es, e avaliamos a aplica??o atrav?s de estudos com usu?rios. Os resultados indicaram que ? uma abordagem adequada para a modelagem de volumes in-situ. N?s tamb?m avaliamos t?cnicas de marca??o de pontos com diferentes n?veis de precis?o e o uso de percep??o para o alinhamento de linhas, e conclu?mos que t?cnicas de marca??o com pouca precis?o e o uso de percep??o para alinhamentos t?m um impacto negativo na acur?cia do modelo, e na facilidade uso e na utilidade da aplica??o.Three-dimensional modeling in augmented reality allows the user to create or modify the geometry of virtual content while it is registered to the real world, enabling the verification of the correspondence between the model and the real world on-the-fly. We propose a new approach for modeling in augmented reality on environments with unknown geometry that uses point marking techniques to define the position of features present in the real world, such as neighboring buildings and pathways. Some tools were designed to increase the usefulness of these features and to allow the act of modeling, that usually takes place over empty terrains but must consider the surrounding structures. We developed a use case application for the architecture domain, aimed at allowing the design of a massing model in-situ. A massing model is a simplified representation of the architect's idea for the building, defining its general size and location in the terrain, while in-situ refers to being at the place where the building will be made. It aims at understanding the building, the characteristics of the environment, and how they related. Our application allows the architect to create this model while they can visualize the real world and make modifications accordingly. We analyze the problems regarding the approach and propose solutions and evaluated the application under formal user studies. Results indicated it is a reasonable approach for modeling a mass in-situ. We also evaluated point marking techniques with different levels of precision and the use of perception to align lines, and concluded that low precision marking techniques and the use of perception to perform alignments impact the accuracy of the model, and the ease of use, and usefulness of the application

    Triassic faunal successions of the Paraná Basin, southern Brazil

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